Balancing Pandemic and Practice: Dr. Osher's Journey with CCPHP

Balancing Pandemic and Practice: Dr. Osher's Journey with CCPHP

In the aftermath of COVID-19, Castle Connolly Private Health Partners LLC’s (CCPHP) support helped physicians like Dr. Annette Osher.


As a cardiologist and primary care physician, Dr. Osher faced the pandemic head-on, volunteering at Bellevue Hospital in New York City during the height of the crisis. Throughout this tumultuous period, the flexibility and resources provided by CCPHP allowed her to balance her frontline duties with the needs of her concierge program Members. 

Meet Dr. Annette Osher

Dr. Annette Osher is a leading cardiologist and primary care physician. Her concierge healthcare program in NYC, Osher CCPHP, offers membership-style healthcare that prioritizes patient well-being. 


When the pandemic hit in 2019, Dr. Osher felt compelled to serve on the front lines. She responded to Governor Andrew Cuomo's call for volunteers without hesitation: 


"I just thought it was the right thing to do. That’s just the way I am." Despite the challenges and uncertainties, she remained steadfast: "You could hear ambulances all day and night. How could you not want to do something about it? Lots of people left the city. But for me, I go forward when things get rough or scary. … But believe me, I was scared. I didn’t know what I was going to face."

A Physician's Perspective: Dr. Osher's Experience at Bellevue Hospital

Dr. Osher stepped in wherever needed in the fight against COVID-19. Her experiences in New York were equally impactful, particularly during her time at Bellevue Hospital in Manhattan as the city's pandemic surged.


"There were cardiac arrests in the ICU about every 15 minutes," Dr. Osher recalled. "It felt like Dante’s inferno. I was in the River Styx with no boat, no paddle, no nothing. Death was everywhere. Codes for cardiac arrests were constant, and sadly, most outcomes were fatal. It was a traumatic and overwhelming experience."


Despite feeling powerless amid the chaos, Dr. Osher's efforts made a profound difference for at least one patient, as highlighted in a New York Times feature. Despite strict visitation rules, she facilitated the patient’s mother's presence to comfort him during ventilator weaning and, ultimately, during his passing.


Reflecting on her impact, Dr. Osher shared, “I tried hard to think to myself whether or not I made a difference or if I had any effect,” Dr. Osher explained. “I think my difference was helping this boy with autism and his mom.”

Read Dr. Osher’s New York Times Feature 

Supporting Patients Through Crisis


Dr. Osher faced another challenge: managing her patients who still needed care during the pandemic while balancing her family responsibilities and volunteer work.


The additional flexibility and connectivity built into the concierge medical model served her and her Members well. While Members had heightened anxieties and additional needs due to the spread of COVID-19, Dr. Osher was already well-equipped to communicate with each of them effectively through phone calls, secure messaging, and telemedicine appointments.


Dr. Osher had access to a strong telehealth platform through CCPHP. CCPHP's team also helped Members with communications and additional services, including carefully selected updates on COVID-19, live webinars with a top infectious disease physician, virtual events focused on stress management and emotional well-being, and continued access to personalized health coaching services.


With the outbreak in NYC, Dr. Osher shut down her practice for in-person visits. Still, she continued to provide telehealth services to her Members during the pandemic while volunteering at Bellevue—even after she contracted and recovered from COVID-19. 


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She received immense support from her Member base. She communicated with Members early on to set expectations that she may be slower to respond to their calls and emails while volunteering, but she still checked all her messages each day at lunchtime and after her shift. Several of her CCPHP NY colleagues stood close watch as a backup if needed.


Thankfully, Members supported these doctors’ decisions to dedicate time to the front lines against COVID-19.


“If your Members see you’re going to do this for a stranger, they know that you are going to go to bat for them, too,” Dr. Osher explained. “It seems to me that it’s only positive.”


Related Post: Want a Deeper Relationship With Your Doctor? Choose Concierge Medicine


Dr. Osher explained that the concierge relationship has brought her closer to her patients during this time of intense need, as the concierge model allowed her to be extra responsive. 


“Having the patients be able to phone me whenever they are in need of medical advice is wonderful. I am likewise able to respond to them quickly and allay their fears, as well as treat them.”


As for family, Dr. Osher’s adult daughter quarantined with her—she got stuck in NYC after visiting in mid-March. “Luckily for me, she was here when I was sick and was a cheerleader for me at Bellevue. It’s been great to have a support person, and she’s been a real motivator. I wanted to be an example for her.”

How Dr. Osher Moved Forward Post-Pandemic


“We’re resilient. There’s been malaria, tuberculosis, and HIV. There have been all these things, and we survive,” Dr. Osher reflected. “There will always be new viruses and bacteria, and we will always figure it out and survive. That’s human nature.”


As COVID-19 cases trended downward in New York, Dr. Osher reopened her practice to see patients in person. She eagerly awaited her members' return and was prepared to expand her office hours based on their interests. “I really like to see and touch my patients, see the color of their skin, hear their breathing. I miss the practice of medicine.”


Reflecting on this historic time in medicine, both doctors agree on its significance. “I have always wanted to participate in Doctors Without Borders, and I think this was that for me,” Dr. Osher shared. “I mean, it was the inverse. The virus took away our borders. But this felt like a pioneering experience, going into the absolute unknown.”

Looking ahead, the experience has reinforced the value of concierge healthcare, offering personalized attention and flexibility during challenging times.


Discover the Difference with CCPHP


Ready to experience personalized healthcare that puts you first? 


Whether you’re a physician looking to enhance patient care or a patient seeking exceptional medical attention, CCPHP is here for you. Contact us today to learn more about our concierge healthcare program and how we can support your health journey.

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