Blog — Castle Connolly Private Health Partners

What is Concierge Medicine?

Written by CCPHP | Jul 10, 2023 5:00:00 PM

Choosing the right model of care is one of the most impactful decisions you can make. While looking for a physician that best fits your needs, you might have encountered the term “concierge care” or “concierge doctor.”

We’ll examine what a concierge doctor is, how a concierge model of care works for doctors and patients, and what support Castle Connolly Private Health Partners offers its members. 


What is Concierge Medicine?

Concierge medicine is a membership-based model of care that provides a connective approach to healthcare.

The term concierge doctor applies to physicians who offer this membership-based approach to medicine to provide patients with care that is often more collaborative, connected, and personalized.  

Members under this model typically enjoy more convenient access to their primary care physicians. Under the Castle Connolly Private Health Partner (CCPHP) concierge model, Members are given a direct line of communication with their physician 24/7. When their physician is away or if a specialist is needed, Members can connect to a network of exceptional partner physicians. 

Physicians under this model of care are often dedicated to providing their Members with unparalleled support through extended visits, direct communication, and wellness benefits.


What Can the Concierge Model Offer Physicians? 

A partnership with a concierge program allows partner physicians to return to the reasons they chose to practice medicine in the first place.

Physicians' Time is Back in Their Hands

Concierge models of care, like CCPHP, help support the Membership program. The extra guidance allows doctors to focus their time on treating their Members. 

After partnering with a concierge service, physicians can expect their panel size to become more manageable. The American Journal of Medicine reports that the average concierge physician typically sees six to eight patients daily, while a typical doctor can see anywhere from 20 to 24 patients daily!

Achieving Work-Life Balance 

In turn, looking after fewer Members allows partner physicians to provide more time to each case, manage their program, and have a more significant opportunity to achieve a better work-life balance. 

“I have ten years of concierge experience, first with another concierge company and for the last four years with CCPHP. What a difference! The people at CCPHP are first-class: professional, responsible, efficient, and smart. They represent me in a way that I never need to question and are genuinely interested in my success. I would recommend CCPHP to colleagues without reservations.”

—Dr. Jeffrey Graf

Maximize Your Revenue 

Concierge partner physicians can enjoy improved revenue opportunities for themselves and their programs.

Related Post: Is Your Practice Sustainable? 4 Revealing Questions Every Doctor Should Ask Today.

CCPHP provides partners with the resources and assistance they need to maximize their income without compromising time with members. 

Partner physicians also retain complete autonomy and ownership over their clinical program. 

CCPHP Partners receive marketing support to increase brand awareness and attract new patients. 

Practice Conversion and Support

Many concierge care models provide partner physicians with some form of practice conversion and support. CCPHP takes additional steps to provide long-term guidance through every step of the conversion process and beyond.

The team at CCPP provides in-depth program analysis, customized business planning, and pricing development to establish a joint-venture practice. At the same time, the partnering physician can focus on delivering the best possible care to Members. 

Physician partners also have an advanced telemedicine platform to help improve seamless connectivity with Members.

To simplify the transition process, we provide training with existing office staff support to ensure a white-glove treatment for your members.

Even after the conversion process concludes, CCPHP is committed to providing ongoing support through comprehensive marketing, Member recruitment, billing and administrative services, legal guidance, Member and office support, Member engagement, succession planning, and beyond.

A Record of Success

There is a reason why physicians continue to switch their programs to a concierge model of care—it works. There are obvious benefits to adopting this model, including enjoying extended time with Members, increased revenue, and improved work-life balance.

CCPHP partners typically grow 120-130% a year (until they reach capacity), and 98% of concierge physicians have renewed and extended their relationship with CCPHP. While marketing, finance, legal, and Membership support are handled, physicians can better manage their Member panel and experience.


What Can the Concierge Model Offer Patients? 

Concierge care offers a return to personal and collaborative care for patients who wish to be seen as more than a number in a system. 

CCPHP partner physicians are able to have extended visits and in-depth conversations with their Members, allowing them to provide the highest level of care. 

Unparalleled Connectivity 

In a concierge model of care, patients benefit from increased time and collaboration with their physicians. 

Talking to their doctors during extended visits makes people feel more connected to their care provider and that their medical needs have been fully addressed.

Members of CCPHP can enjoy 24/7 access to their primary care physician, extended office visits, and same or next-day appointments. Partner physicians are also well connected to refer to specialists in the Castle Connolly Top Doctors network.


Members can experience healthcare on their terms when they opt into a concierge model.

Collaboration With Healthcare Providers

Without long wait times, Members are further encouraged to seek preventative care. Regular preventive check-ups can lead to better health outcomes and decreased rates of hospitalizations. Regular checkups and screenings with your physician make it more likely that chronic diseases and conditions can be detected and treated earlier. 


Without a collaborative approach to healthcare, the possibility of catching these conditions later could lead to increased pharmaceutical costs and more invasive treatments.


How is CCPHP Different From Other Models of Concierge Care?

With many options for concierge care services available, choosing which one best fits your health or program needs can be daunting.

Highlighted below are several CCPHP exclusive Member and partner benefits. 

SENS Solution® Wellness Program

For extensive health and wellness support across a wide range of topics, the SENS Solution Wellness Program helps doctors and Members alike achieve their health and wellness goals. CCPHP Members can utilize exclusive wellness tools developed by experts in their respective fields. 

Membership includes exclusive blogs, newsletters, recipes, webinars, and affinity partnerships. This content is built around four pillars of wellness — sleep, exercise, nutrition, and stress management.  

Another great advantage of the SENS Solution is a personal health coach. With one on one sessions, guidance, and ongoing assessments, Members have reported positive lifestyle changes. 

75% of Members with exercise-oriented goals and 77% with nutritional-related goals reported behavioral changes after two or more coaching sessions! 

Unique Physician Support

Although most concierge programs offer some degree of conversion support, CCPHP provides unique and comprehensive benefits to physicians. 

CCPHP partners are encouraged to maintain their independence and practice identity.

As highlighted above, CCPHP partners receive practice-specific marketing materials. Physicians are equipped with tools like a unique website, press releases, social media support, and a dedicated Member advisor who works to generate Membership. CCPHP takes care of reaching patients and allows physicians to focus on running their program. 

Pre-conversion analysis and continued office support are other ways CCPHP supports its partners. With the tools in place to help support the membership program, doctors can concentrate on providing care.

Interested in a Concierge Model of Care? Get in Touch With CCPHP

Physicians can schedule a chat with a CCPHP representative to learn more about what a concierge model of care can do for their programs.

Patients can search for and schedule a free consultation with a concierge physician or contact our team.