Use the ChatWellMD mobile application to connect to your concierge physician.
In order to provide better connectivity to your CCPHP Physician and your membership program, you will be provided CCPHP’s digital and mobile application, ChatWellMDTM. This secure, HIPAA compliant platform can be used from your phone or iPad to directly connect with your doctor through chat and virtual visits.1
Through the ChatWellMDTM App you can:
- Communicate directly with your doctor using chat (text) functionality
- Send pictures, videos, voice messages and PDFs as required
- Be invited to a telemedicine call (virtual visit) with your doctor
- Join virtual visits using both audio and video
- Request virtual visits with your doctor
- Access to FAQ and app support
How to get started:
1. Install the ChatWellMD app
Download the app from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store by searching for ChatWellMD:
2. Sign Up
Click “You will be using this app as a patient”
- On bottom of screen, select “register”
- Enter the same email address where you received your welcome email, and Select “Next”
- Create a password and select Next (note your password must contain at least 8 characters including letters, a number, and a symbol)
- You will receive an email with a verification code to put into the app as a final step
- Once you enter the verification code , the app will open to your account Home Screen (and you should see a message that you have successfully registered)
- For a video overview of the registration process, click here.
SUPPORT: Once you are logged into the app, you can send help emails directly to our support team from the HELP section. If you have trouble logging in, please email for help.
Please contact Membership at or (888) 864-7033 for all membership services questions.
1 It is up to you to choose how to connect to the ChatWellMDTM app. Whether or not your phone, computer, or internet service is HIPAA compliant is not under our control.